Bachmann Kunststoff Technologien GmbH
D-63322 Rödermark
The company was founded in 1985 in D-63303 Dreieich/Sprendlingen as a sole-trader. It operated as an industrial agent specialising in liquid plastics of all types as well as representing the products and services for liquid plastics processing machines. In 1990 it became a limited company. Since 1992 it has been based in D-63322 Rödermark.
Hermann Bachmann founded the company with Wolfgang Bachmann, a technical engineer. H. Bachmann died in 1993. Since 1993 W. Bachmann has managed the business. Today the company is still privately owned. In 2001 Mr. Pascal Julien was appointed joint managing director with W. Bachmann. In 2005 Pascal Julien became majority shareholder.
FLEXONAL® is an own-brand liquid plastic based on polyurethane or silicon systems. It is supplied to the paper-industry and, in particular to manufacturers of paper-machine clothing. We supply our FLEXONAL®‘know-how’ to all the major manufacturers throughout the world. We supply both materials and process machinery.
Manufacturers of press-pads, transport and screen fabrics use FLEXONAL® silicon. Customers are primarily in the EU.
Motorvehicle industry, prototype production, PU for pilot production parts. Airport lighting, comprising custom moulded cables and component manufacture. Electronics, mouldings and insulation material. PU components (small series) - contract manufacturing for specialist engineering applications. Materials and process development for all industrial sectors.
Our latest product development is elforyn®, an ivory substitute material.This development has been supported by the "Wood and Ivory" Technical College in Michelstadt and by the German State Academy of Drawing in Hanau. elforyn® contributes to wildlife conservation through its potential use as an ivory substitute.
Status September 2010